June 2012
June 2010

Becoming a member


CAA membership is open to all individuals who have an interest in acoustics. All members receive Canadian Acoustics, the journal of the Association.

Please note that membership is paid through the journal website, by credit card, online. The Individual Membership fee is $120 CAD and the Student Membership fee is $50 CAD.


Subscriptions to Canadian Acoustics are available to companies and institutions. Many organizations choose to become benefactors of the CAA by contributing as Sustaining Subscriber (no voting privileges at AGM). The list of Sustaining Subscribers is published in each issue of the journal Canadian Acoustics and on this website.

Please note that membership is paid through the journal website. Subscribe or renew subscription by credit card online.

Mail Order Subscription Form:

Any questions or requests related to membership in the Canadian Acoustical Association or subscriptions to Canadian Acoustics should be directed to the Executive Secretary at or:

Executive Secretary, Dr. Roberto Racca
Canadian Acoustical Association/Association Canadienne d’Acoustique
c/o JASCO Applied Sciences
2305–4464 Markham Street
Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8 Canada
