juin 2008
mars 2008

Prix étudiant Hétu en Acoustique


Andrew Lauzon, York University, Toronto
“There’s something about that groove: Rhythm improves detection of audio but not vibrotactile asynchronies”


Sylvia Mancini, University of Toronto in Mississauga
“The effect of vocal emotion identification in noise on memory in young adults”


Harman Sawhney, University of Toronto


Sin Tung Lau, Jacob Maracle and Dario Coletta, University of Toronto at Mississauga


Jill Lowther, Kayla Hack, Daniel McDonald, Kelly Sowden, and Leigh Vanderloo, University of Western Ontario
“Sorry, Can You Repeat That?: A Health Promotion Campaign Addressing Noise-Induced Hearing Problems Among Senior Health Sciences Students”


Konstantin Naumenko and Jessica Banh, University of Toronto
“Establishing normative voice characteristics of younger and older adults”


Marianne Pelletier, Marco Coletta, and Renée Giroux, University of Toronto (Mississauga)
“Effects of Acoustic Distortion and Semantic Context on Lexical Access: a Replication and Expansion”


Huiwen Goy, University of Toronto (Mississauga)
“Effect of within and between-talker variability on word identification in noise in older and younger adults”


Shazia Ahmed, Sina Fallah, Brenda Garrido, Andrew Gross, Matthew King, Timothy Morrish, Desiree Pereira, Shaun Sharma and Ewelina Zaszewska, University of Toronto (Mississauga)
“Portable audio devices and their effects on hearing”


Daniel Graves, Thompson Rivers University (BC)
“SANDRA – Speech and noise differentiation for classroom analysis: Procedure and software overview”


Elizabeth McFadden, University of Prince Edward Island
“Acquisition of musical grammar compared with language grammar”


Carlos De Segovia, Université d’Ottawa
« Logiciels de présentation de signaux acoustiques pour recherche en audiologie »