December 2005
March 2013

Underwater acoustics and signal processing student travel award

Two $250 awards or one $500 award are made annually to university students traveling to national or international conferences to give oral or poster presentations on underwater acoustics and/or signal processing. The award winners will be selected on a first-come, first served basis. Deadlines for receipt of applications are September 30 and March 31 and apply to attendance at conferences within the 6 months following the deadline date.

More detailed information on Underwater acoustics and signal processing student travel award (PDF file)

Application form for Underwater acoustics and signal processing student travel award (PDF file)


Sean Pecknold, DRDC Atlantic, 9 Grove St., Dartmouth, NS, B2Y 3Z7, tel (902) 407-0471, fax (902) 426-9654,