Vol. 44 No. 4 (2016)
June 2009

Student Presentation Awards


The Canadian Acoustical Association offers awards to the best student presentations during the technical sessions at Acoustics Week in Canada. Three awards of $500 are offered each year. A fourth award in the same amount can be given in case of a tie for third place.


Both undergraduate and graduate student presenters are eligible for the Presentation Awards. Other requirements are as follows:

1.   Full-time student at the time of application;

2.   Student member of the CAA;

3.   The first author of the paper to be presented; and

4.   Registered to the conference.

Note: One-year CAA membership can be obtained at the time of registering to the conference, and this is accepted to meet eligibility condition 2 above.


Students contemplating presenting papers at Acoustics Week in Canada should apply for these awards by first notifying the conference organizers with the submission of their abstract. An application form available on the CAA conference website (follow the Students link) must also be transmitted to the conference organizers by the deadline indicated. The form must be co-signed by the applicant and supervisor.

Procedures and Duties

  1. The Conference Chair (or his/her representative) must compile a list of eligible students indicating (a) the student name, (b) the supervisor’s name, (c) the title of presentation, and (d) the day and time of the presentation.
  2. The student list must be forwarded to the Coordinator at least two weeks before the beginning of the conference.
  3. The Coordinator must appoint at least three independent judges for each eligible student presentation. In return, each judge typically evaluates three students. Supervisors cannot judge their own students, and co-authors and members of the same research group are also ineligible.
  4. The Coordinator must prepare and distribute scoring sheets to the judges during the Conference.
  5. Presentations are judged on the following merits:
    1. The way the subject is presented;
    2. The explanation of the relevance of the subject;
    3. The explanation of the methodology/theory;
    4. The presentation and analysis of results;
    5. The consistency of the conclusions with theory and results.
  6. The Coordinator tallies the results from all judges and students, and selects the winners.
  7. The names of the winning students are announced immediately after the last technical session.
  8. The CAA Awards Coordinator issues certificates and transmits relevant details to the CAA Treasurer by December 1st for prompt payments.


Jeremie Voix 8375 Mayrand Street, Montreal, QC. Tel: (514) 932-2674; Fax: (514) 932-4994. student-awards@caa-aca.ca