Vol. 50 No. 1 (2022)
December 2011
December 2007
June 2008
December 2005

Student Presentation Awards

2017 – Guelph

Sarah Colby (McGill University)
“The role of inhibition in older and younger adults’ lexical competition”
Shivraj Sagar (Ryerson University)
“Acoustic performance of study rooms – a case study”
Fabien Bonnet (École de Technologie Supérieure)
“Loudness in the occluded ear canal: are we again missing 6 dB?”

2016 – Vancouver

Huiwen Goy (University of Toronto)
“Perception of emotional speech by listeners with hearing aids”
Gabriel Nespoli (Ryerson University)
“Skin conductance responses to emotional speech in hearing-impaired and hearing-aided listeners”
Brendan Rideout (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
“Blind channel estimation of underwater acoustic waveguide impulse responses using marine mammal vocalizations”

2015 – Halifax

Fabien Bonnet (École de Technologie Supérieure)
“The opportunities and challenges of in-ear noise dosimetry”
Graham Warner (University of Victoria)
“Localizing bowhead whales in the Chukchi sea using asynchronous hydrophones”
Jessica McKellar (University of Prince Edward Island)
“Identification of thin slices of music by university students in PEI”

2014 – Winnipeg

Justin Turner, University of Lethbridge
“Stop consonant production by French-English bilingual children in Southern Alberta”
Olivier Valentin, École de Technologie Supérieure
“Use of auditory Steady-state responses in measuring the attenuation of hearing protection devices “
Jared Van Blitterswyk (Carleton University)
“Prediction and Measurement of Turbulent Boundary Layer Wall-Pressure Fluctuations on the Surface of a Single Panel at Low Mach Numbers”

2012 – Banff

Tristan Defrancesco-Loria, Ryerson University
“Do urban soundscapes influence visual attention?”
Martin Brummund, École de Technologie Supérieure
“On the influence of the material properties of the external ear on occlusion effect simulations“
Nicolas Ellaham, University of Ottawa
“Evolution of audiometry: clinical testing of a new tablet audiometer”

2011 – Québec

Antoine Lefebvre, McGill University
“On the bore shape of conical instruments”
Sonal Bhadane, Ryerson University
“High intensity focused ultrasound and microbubble induced tissue ablation effect of treatment exposure on thermal lesion volume and temperature“
Guilhem Viallet, École de Technologie Supérieure
“Development of a simplified axi-symmetric finite element model of the auditory canal occluded by an earplug: variability of the attenuation as a function of the input parameters”

2010 – Victoria

Kostas Zolotas, University of Victoria
“Lingual ultrasound of articulations made with the didgeridoo”
Marianne Pelletier, University of Toronto at Mississauga
“Effect of age on lexical decision speed when sentence context is acoustically distorted“
Emma Murowinski, Defense Research and Development – Atlantic
“Measurements and modeling of atmospheric acoustic propagation over water”

2009 – Niagara-on-the-Lake

Brady Laska, Carleton University
“Subband Autoregressive Modelling of Speech Signals »
Brendan Rideout, University of Victoria
“Localization of Marine Mammals in an Uncertain Environment“
Blake Butler, McMaster University
“Temporal representation of pitch in auditory cortex »

2008 – Vancouver

Kate Dupuis, University of Toronto (Mississauga)
“Effects of emotional content and emotional voice on speech intelligibility in younger and older adults“
Omar Falou, Ryerson University
“Modelling high frequency acoustic backscatter response from non-nucleated biological specimens“
Payam Ezzatian, University of Toronto (Mississauga)
“The effect of informational masking and word position on sentence recall“

2007 – Montréal

Marc-André Gaudreau, École de Technologie Supérieure (Montréal)
“Variabilité de l’atténuation des protecteurs auditifs mesurée par le méthode Field-MIRE en fonction de la direction du son incident et des bruits du porteur”
Huiwen Goy, University of Toronto (Mississauga)
“Effect of within and between-talker variability on word identification in noise in older and younger adults”
Susan E. Rogers, McGill University
“Memory for Musical Intervals: Cognitive Differences for Consonance and Dissonance”
Gurjit Singh, University of Toronto (Mississauga)
“Auditory Cognitive Attention in Younger and Older Adults: A Comparison of Laboratory and Self-Report Measures”

2006 – Halifax

Rida Al Osman, University of Ottawa
“AlarmLocator: A software tool to facilitate the installation of acoustic warning devices in noisy work plants”
Jeff Defoe, University of Windsor
“Computational Aeroacoustics for electronics coolers”
Matt Nantais, University of Windsor
“Graphics processing unit cooling solutions: Acoustic characteristic”
Ewen MacDonald, University of Toronto
“Making young ears old (and old ears even older)”

2005 – London

Elisabeth van Stam, University of Western Ontario
“Recognizing individual Wild Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus fuscus) using their echolocation calls”
Ralph Baddour, University of Toronto
“The effects of pecking order on ultrasound backscatter from cells at different volume fractions”
Jenn Bouchard, University of Western Ontario
“Characteristics of Chimney Swift in-flight vocalizations”
Julianne Tennhaaf, Brock University
“Normative thresholds levels for a calibrated, computer-assisted version of the Ling Six-Sound test”

2004 – Ottawa

William E. Hodgetts, University of Alberta
“Advanced measures of bone anchored hearing aids: Do they correlate with perceptual judgments?”
Dominic Pilon, Université de Sherbrooke
“Influence of micro-structural properties on the acoustic performances of novel metallic foam”
Emmanuelle Gros, Université de Sherbrooke
“A missing mass method to measure the open porosity of porous solids”

2003 – Edmonton

Carrie Gotske, University of Alberta
“Comparison of intelligibility measures on single word and spontaneous speech tasks for children with and without cleft palate”
Ann Nakashima, University of British Columbia
“Effect of the ground surface and meteorological conditions on the active control of a monopole noise source”
Benjamin Zendel, University of Calgary
“How music of different rhythmicities and intensities affects driver performance”

2002 – Charlottetown

Matthew Barlee, University of Victoria
“Matched beam processing for localizing an acoustic source on shallow water environments”
Steve Bilawchuck, University of Alberta
“3-pt method for measuring transmission loss in silencers”
Jérémie Voix, École de technologie supérieure, Montréal
“Filter selection to adapt earplug performances to sound exposure”

2001 – Toronto

Maxime Bolduc, Université de Sherbrooke
“Experimental characterization of SEA damping loss factor”
Jay Detsky, University of Waterloo
“SYMEAS program for acoustical modeling of muffler systems”
Terence Miranda, University of British Columbia
“Temporally jittered speech produces PI-PB rollover in young normal-hearing listeners”

2000 – Sherbrooke

Tanya Bergerson, University of Toronto
“Duration discrimination in younger and older adults”
Ian Toms, University of Prince Edward Island
“Identification of tonic in popular and baroque music in young and older adults using a dual keyboard apparatus”
Youseff Atalla, Université de Sherbrooke
“Inverse problem for a complete characterization of rigid porous materials using a standing wave tube apparatus”

1999 – Victoria

Pierre Germain, University of British Columbia
“Feasibility of using active noise control techniques to further manage run-up noise at Vancouver international airport”
Michael Riedel, University of Victoria
“AVO investigation of shallow marine sediments”
Nathalie Hubert, University of British Columbia
“The perception of spoken language by elderly listeners: contribution of auditory temporal processes”

1998 – London

Jana M. Scarsellone, University of Alberta
“Denture influence on resonance balance in speech”
Bradford Gover, University of Waterloo
“Least-squares inverse filtering of speech”
Michael E. Lantz, Queen’s University
“Total and relative duration as cues to surface structure in music”
Stéphane Boucher, Université de Sherbrooke
“A new concepts for active control of transformer noise (Part 2)”

1997 – Windsor

Monica Rohlfs, University of Alberta
“Effects of facial paralysis and presentation mode on perceptual acoustics measures of consonant place”
Frank Russo, Queen’s University
“Evaluation of perceived tonality across the musical pitch range”
Nicholas Smith, University of Toronto
“Patterns of tension/relaxation in music: a consideration of psychoacoustic and cognitive influences”

1996 – Calgary

Nelson Heerema, University of British Columbia
“Empirical models for predicting noise levels and reverberation times in industrial workrooms”
Raphael Slawinski, University of Calgary
“A finite difference scheme for wave propagation through absorbing media”
Waqar-Un-Nissa Valiani, University of British Columbia
“Auralization of speech-communication cues”

1995 – Québec

Sylvain Boily, Université de Sherbrooke
« Étude vibroacoustique d’une coque cylindrique soumise à une excitation solidienne »
Karen Krueger, University of Alberta
“Perception of a fricative-stop continuum by adults and children”
Bertrand Mercier, Université de Sherbrooke
“Vibratory measurements to estimate mechanical properties of composite materials”

1994 – Ottawa

Martin Fortin, Université de Montréal
“Characterization of occupational sound exposure of professionals involved in highly amplified music reproduction”
Hanif M. Ladak, McGill University
“Finite-element modelling of the normal and surgically repaired cat middle ear”
Claude Lesage, Université de Sherbrooke
“Characterization of the noise-generation mechanism of percussion-drill steel rods in real operating conditions”

1993 – Toronto

Serge Brunet, Université de Sherbrooke
“Active noise control simulations in a cavity-backed flexible plate system”
Nicolas Lessard, Université de Sherbrooke
“An acoustic design method for lightweight structures supporting a vibrating source”
Willy Wong, University of Toronto
“Frequency and the sensation of sounds”

1992 – Vancouver

Guy Brown, University of Sheffield
“Modelling auditory scene analysis, a representational approach”
Daniela Di lorio, University of Victoria
“Separation of acoustic multipaths in Saanich Inlet”
Raymond Panneton, Université de Sherbrooke
“Vibration and sound radiation of a circular cylindrical shell under a circumferentially moving force”

1991 – Edmonton

Daryl Caswell, University of Calgary
“Symphonic bells of ‘fantastic’ proportion”
Stephen Keith, Carleton University
“Rock-drill handle vibration: measurement and hazard assessment”
Jane MacNeil, University of Calgary
“Discrimination of static and dynamic frequency changes by children and young adults”
Katherine Ward, University of Alberta
“An acoustical and perceptual study of changes in dysphonia with voice therapy”

1990 – Montréal

Laurie Fitzgerald, University of Calgary
“Identification of the /R-W/ contrast by normally developing children”
André L’Espérance, Université de Sherbrooke
“Modelling of long range sound propagation via a geometrical ray model”
Roland Woodcock, Université de Sherbrooke
“New pseudo-macroscopic approach for the characterization of poro-elastic materials”