June 2008
March 2008

Fessenden Student Prize in Underwater Acoustics


Reginald Aubrey Fessenden was a Canadian pioneer of radio and sonar engineering born in East Bolton, Quebec and educated at Bishop’s College School. He performed much of his research work in the USA, retired to Bermuda, and is buried there. One of his inventions was a powerful underwater sound source used in the early days of sonar; a modern sonar transducer expert has described theFessenden oscillator as “decades ahead of its time”. The Organizing Committee of the 12th ICA Associated Symposium on Underwater Acoustics, who initiated this student prize in underwater acoustics, feel that attaching Fessenden’s name to the prize is a fitting tribute to his contributions to underwater acoustics.


The award consists of a cash prize of $500 awarded every year.


The candidate must be: (1) a CAA member; and (2) a graduate student enrolled at a Canadian academic institution conducting research in underwater acoustics or in a branch of science closely connected to underwater acoustics. Note: A candidate may receive this award only once.


Applications must be received by the Prize Coordinator by April 30. Along with the application form, submit a written proposal (up to 750 words) summarizing the research work to be carried out.

CAA Prize Application Form:Word formPDF form..

Selection Process

Applications are reviewed by a Subcommittee set up by the Prize Coordinator. Applications are evaluated based on the quality and originality of the research proposal, and the potential contribution to the field of acoustics. Decisions made by the Prize Subcommittee are transmitted to the Awards Coordinator and Board of Directors of the CAA. The successful candidate will be notified by June 15.Decisions are final and may not be appealed. The CAA reserves the right not to make an award in any given year.

The names of prize winners will be announced at the annual CAA Symposium (usually in October), and published in the December issue ofCanadian Acoustics and on the CAA website.


Sean Pecknold, DRDC Atlantic, 9 Grove St., Dartmouth, NS, B2Y 3Z7, tel (902) 426-3100 x 222, fax (902) 426-9654. fessenden-prize@caa-aca.ca