December 2012
June 2009

Edgar and Millicent Shaw Postdoctoral Prize in Acoustics


This prize is offered to a highly qualified candidate who has completed all formal academic and research training and who wishes to acquire at least one year of supervised research experience in an established setting.


The award consists of a cash prize of $3000 awarded annually for full-time research for 12 months (starting any time between thepreceding September 1 and the following September 30) and may be held as a supplement to other private, provincial, or federal awards.Note: The Shaw Prize cannot be renewed for a second year.


The candidate must be: (1) a CAA member; and (2) must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree, normally obtained within the two years preceding the competition. The proposed research area must be related to some area of acoustics, psychoacoustics, speech communication or noise.


Generally, awards are tenable only in Canadian centres with established research programs and in a setting other than the one in which the Ph.D. was earned. However, requests for exceptions to these guidelines will be considered. Applicants should make their own arrangements to work at a research centre or other institution with an active research program in acoustics. Postdoctoral Prize Recipients are required to devote themselves full-time to the objectives of the award.

A candidate must be sponsored by a member of a research unit, who should include (in a confidential letter) an evaluation of the candidate’s background in relation to the proposed research. The obligation of the Sponsor includes advice to recipients in establishing themselves in the unit. As described in the research proposal, the sponsor may also be required to provide laboratory facilities, specialized equipment or other materials as well as technical support for the research. A second letter of support is required from the candidate’s doctoral supervisor.

It is not expected that a Postdoctoral Prize recipient will move from one centre to another during tenure of the award. If a move nonetheless becomes necessary, the Board of Directors of CAA must be advised. Such requests must be accompanied by a letter from the recipient’s proposed new Sponsor indicating acceptance, a letter from the former Sponsor indicating that he or she is aware of the proposed transfer, and a revised application form.


Applications must be received by the Prize Coordinator by April 30. Along with the application form, submit a written proposal (up to 1200 words) summarizing the research work to be carried out, two letters of reference and other required documents as indicated in the application form.

CAA Prize Application Form:Word formPDF form.

Selection Process

Applications are reviewed by a Subcommittee set up by the Prize Coordinator. Applications are evaluated based on the quality and originality of the research proposal, and the potential contribution to the field of acoustics. The Subcommittee will also consider the candidate’s professional standing, academic qualifications, evidence of proven or potential ability to conduct research, and the appropriateness of the centre in which he/she proposes to work. Decisions made by the Prize Subcommittee are transmitted to the Awards Coordinator and Board of Directors of the CAA. The successful candidate will be notified by June 15. Decisions are final and may not be appealed. The CAA reserves the right not to make an award in any given year.

The names of prize winners will be announced at the annual CAA Symposium (usually in October), and published in the December issue ofCanadian Acoustics and on the CAA website.